Saturday, December 18, 2010

resume writing...

salam and good morning...
when we talking about resume...
we'll thinking about finding job...
resume is a less than 5 paper documents that have story about 5-7 years of our experiences...
that my definition about resume...

resume is very important because human resources (peoples that responsible to hire you all) just look at resume and they will decide to hire or fire you....
such the cruel world right...
and there are interesting fact...
HR (human resources) just used less than 45 second to read your resume...
hahaha... really... really.... really... cruel world...

so, how to get yourself employ...
firstly make your resume really interesting...
the content...
the x factor...
word selection...
table or not...
and thousand factors that you all must consider...

in BeST program... we learned how to write amazing resume...
some of the tactics...
resume must not too long... enough just 4 pages...
not too wordy... using bullet or point are advisable...
using word that give deep impression to HR...
and... photoshop your picture... hahaha

and we were asked to make resume...
thanks to Sabrina and Audi Amalina because they help me a lot...
ti adjusted and improved my resume...
and thanks to Mdm. Norliza and Mda. Farahiyyah...
because shared thr knowledge with us...

see you all later...

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