Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mock Interview...

salam and good morning...
monday... peoples alway said...
mondays in blues day... but for me...
monday very exciting... hahaha

today... we will undergo interview...
not the real one... but only mock interview...
so, i not too worry...
but my friends...
they all worried like this interview is really real...

before we go the practical...
Mr. Abdullah and Mr. Farouk taught we the theory...
how to sit...
how to talk...
what to do...

the important things when interview...
we must confident...
the way we talk...
the way we sit...
our gestures...
must show that we really confident...

then, we going to mock interview...
i got session with Mr Abdullah...
when i enter the room...
such a weird feeling...
i feel this interview is real one...
so, i apply what the lecturers said...
and i remember all my friends said about interview...

Mr Abdullah just asked one question...
"tell me about yourself"
and, i explained...
and he comment...
all i do is correct... BUT...
my pronunciation...
i need to improve my grammar and my pronunciation...
thats all...

this pictures show the scenery when the mock interview...
the students waiting their turn...
you all can see they memorize scripts...
discuss the right answer and so on...

 see you all later...


  1. nazreen mana gmbr ak..xder pung...huhhuuhu

  2. klu xdok tu... xdok la kot
    camera ak x brapa ok la...
    ko la ptot tangkap gmbor ko sndrik
