salam and good evening.
Thursday and Friday we learned about negotiations.
in this life, we must negotiate almost everyday.
children will negotiate with parents.
employee will negotiate with employer.
students will negotiate with teachers.
and so on.
Mr Hisham conducted this class.
when we negotiate.
win-win situation is very important.
we must flexible with our decision and must have BATNA.
BATNA is like we have back up things if negotiate fail.
when negotiate.
emotion must avoid because it will become the barrier.
not too rigid and flexible is important.
in this class.
we were asked to act in drama about negotiation.
1st day, the story line had prepared by Mr Hisham.
my group got story about landlord want to raise the rent.
so, my group must need to negotiate with landlord.
comments from Mr Hisham.
we were too emotional.
very very emotional.
2nd day.
we need to create an event.
i partner with Dhiya and we come with amazing story.
a story about doctor need to negotiate with his/her dying patient.
the doc want his/her dying patient to donate organs.
but, our story not come out when bail out.
owh, i need to be an actor.
for 2 story.
first with Nabila.
i need to negotiate with her.
about go to village during Hari Raya.
2nd is with Fadirul and Zaheerah.
about i as vocalist, want to going solo.
and this drama, we got best actor.
Mr Hisham gave us chocolate.
very happy and i learned a lot of things from Mr Hisham.
and, this day maybe the last day Mr Hisham teach us.
He is very best trainer.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Public Speaking
salam and good evening...
sex before marry.
this issue become worst from day to day.
one researcher from local university had conducted a survey.
he asked teenager age from 13-25 about sex before marry.
from 400 respondents, 300 of them admitted that they already had sex before marry.
and 85% from that 300 respondents not regret and happy when doing that.
this problem had become like cancer.
if we not treat well, it will kill our country.
what is the cause???
from my opinion, movies and dramas especially from western can be one of the cause.
when we saw movies, in romantic part, when man and woman want to show their pure love.
they make love.
more or less, this part will effect child and teenager.
they will think if we want pure love, make love is essential.
another cause is curiosity.
weird right, curiosity is like double edge sword.
it can bring good things and also bad things.
teenager or child that exposed that sex things too much.
they will wonder and want to try it.
and when they get opportunity.
you know... some bad things happen
what the effects of these problem.
the increasing of baby dumping nowadays is the effect from this problem.
this child that born from illegal way always dis-acknowledge by their own parents.
and their parents will dump and kill their own baby.
the bad behavior and undisciplined attitude also will develop.
if teenager dare to against god rule (Allah).
dont u think they will against mankind rule.
and how to cure this problem.
i think morale and religious education in more important.
we must educate them at the early age.
our mistake is we educate them when there are too late.
when there are too late.
their mind just focus on how to enjoy and ignore most of advise.
this is topic that i discuss during 'Public Speaking'.
this presentation is big presentation for individual topic.
my group, Pecah Mental must discuss about "Youth Social Problems".
and that some of my speech.
Mr Hisham said.
i improved and improved.
just i need to correct my pronunciation.
thanks Mr Hisham for that comments.
sex before marry.
this issue become worst from day to day.
one researcher from local university had conducted a survey.
he asked teenager age from 13-25 about sex before marry.
from 400 respondents, 300 of them admitted that they already had sex before marry.
and 85% from that 300 respondents not regret and happy when doing that.
this problem had become like cancer.
if we not treat well, it will kill our country.
what is the cause???
from my opinion, movies and dramas especially from western can be one of the cause.
when we saw movies, in romantic part, when man and woman want to show their pure love.
they make love.
more or less, this part will effect child and teenager.
they will think if we want pure love, make love is essential.
another cause is curiosity.
weird right, curiosity is like double edge sword.
it can bring good things and also bad things.
teenager or child that exposed that sex things too much.
they will wonder and want to try it.
and when they get opportunity.
you know... some bad things happen
what the effects of these problem.
the increasing of baby dumping nowadays is the effect from this problem.
this child that born from illegal way always dis-acknowledge by their own parents.
and their parents will dump and kill their own baby.
the bad behavior and undisciplined attitude also will develop.
if teenager dare to against god rule (Allah).
dont u think they will against mankind rule.
and how to cure this problem.
i think morale and religious education in more important.
we must educate them at the early age.
our mistake is we educate them when there are too late.
when there are too late.
their mind just focus on how to enjoy and ignore most of advise.
this is topic that i discuss during 'Public Speaking'.
this presentation is big presentation for individual topic.
my group, Pecah Mental must discuss about "Youth Social Problems".
and that some of my speech.
Mr Hisham said.
i improved and improved.
just i need to correct my pronunciation.
thanks Mr Hisham for that comments.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Mock Interview...
salam and good morning...
monday... peoples alway said...
mondays in blues day... but for me...
monday very exciting... hahaha
today... we will undergo interview...
not the real one... but only mock interview...
so, i not too worry...
but my friends...
they all worried like this interview is really real...
before we go the practical...
Mr. Abdullah and Mr. Farouk taught we the theory...
how to sit...
how to talk...
what to do...
the important things when interview...
we must confident...
the way we talk...
the way we sit...
our gestures...
must show that we really confident...
then, we going to mock interview...
i got session with Mr Abdullah...
when i enter the room...
such a weird feeling...
i feel this interview is real one...
so, i apply what the lecturers said...
and i remember all my friends said about interview...
Mr Abdullah just asked one question...
"tell me about yourself"
and, i explained...
and he comment...
all i do is correct... BUT...
my pronunciation...
i need to improve my grammar and my pronunciation...
thats all...
this pictures show the scenery when the mock interview...
the students waiting their turn...
you all can see they memorize scripts...
discuss the right answer and so on...
see you all later...
monday... peoples alway said...
mondays in blues day... but for me...
monday very exciting... hahaha
today... we will undergo interview...
not the real one... but only mock interview...
so, i not too worry...
but my friends...
they all worried like this interview is really real...
before we go the practical...
Mr. Abdullah and Mr. Farouk taught we the theory...
how to sit...
how to talk...
what to do...
the important things when interview...
we must confident...
the way we talk...
the way we sit...
our gestures...
must show that we really confident...
then, we going to mock interview...
i got session with Mr Abdullah...
when i enter the room...
such a weird feeling...
i feel this interview is real one...
so, i apply what the lecturers said...
and i remember all my friends said about interview...
Mr Abdullah just asked one question...
"tell me about yourself"
and, i explained...
and he comment...
all i do is correct... BUT...
my pronunciation...
i need to improve my grammar and my pronunciation...
thats all...
this pictures show the scenery when the mock interview...
the students waiting their turn...
you all can see they memorize scripts...
discuss the right answer and so on...
see you all later...
Grooming session
salam and good morning...
last friday... we learned about grooming...
why we need to learn this thing???
actually, i am dont like to grooming my self...
just wear shirt and trouser... its fine with me...
shave when i feel i want to shave...
cut hair if lecturer or security guard ask me...
wearing sneakers...
wear colorful belt...
its me...
but, if you want to enter corporate world...
grooming is essential... important...
because... in this world...
no 'dont judge a book by its cover'...
because the cover will show the inside...
Mdm Lina taught me well about grooming...
how to choose color of the shirt...
color of the belt must same with shoes...
facial treatment...
how to choose coat or blazer...
and dinner etiquette...
i've learned a lot of things...
especially dinner etiquette...
because Mdm Lina asked me to be model...
me and Audi Amalina...
to tell you all the truth...
i dont like to follow any ettiquette when eating...
just to fill my stomach... its enough... hahaha...
but, that my old Nazreen...
maybe next time...
when you invite me for dinner...
i will apply this module...
ok... see you all next time...
last friday... we learned about grooming...
why we need to learn this thing???
actually, i am dont like to grooming my self...
just wear shirt and trouser... its fine with me...
shave when i feel i want to shave...
cut hair if lecturer or security guard ask me...
wearing sneakers...
wear colorful belt...
its me...
but, if you want to enter corporate world...
grooming is essential... important...
because... in this world...
no 'dont judge a book by its cover'...
because the cover will show the inside...
Mdm Lina taught me well about grooming...
how to choose color of the shirt...
color of the belt must same with shoes...
facial treatment...
how to choose coat or blazer...
and dinner etiquette...
i've learned a lot of things...
especially dinner etiquette...
because Mdm Lina asked me to be model...
me and Audi Amalina...
to tell you all the truth...
i dont like to follow any ettiquette when eating...
just to fill my stomach... its enough... hahaha...
but, that my old Nazreen...
maybe next time...
when you invite me for dinner...
i will apply this module...
ok... see you all next time...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
communication for leaders...
salam and good morning...
after we go through about communication...
its basic, application...
now we learned communication for leaders...
participants from BeST Program will be leader in the future...
This module were handled by Prof Syed Omar...
Vice Dean at UniRazak...
what is the effective communication...
it must have this factors...
- speak clearly...
- listen actively...
- successful in conveying the message
for leader communication, we must...
- controlled, purposely transfer of meaning by which leader influence people...
- leader must inspire peoples... especially, subordinates...
'good communication are made, not born'
there are barrier in communication and we must know and then, remove the barrier...
to achieve effective communication...
communication barriers include...
- different in perception and language...
- poor listening...
- emotional interference...
- cultural difference...
- physical distraction...
- etc
and we must remove it by
- short the message...
- proper body language...
- care about time...
- etc..
during this module...
we were assigned to present the leader that inspire and influence peoples surrounding them...
we, Pecah Mental Group choose Ahmad Deedat...
Ahmad Deedat is Muslim debater and always debate with Christian Missionaries...
although he is indian + african and mothertounge is not english...
but, he debate in english so the message can deliver world wide...
he also have a lot of knowledge about Bible... as much as he know about Al-Quran...
the success of his debate because...
' his sharp humour in ditching his rival, his soft spoken and convincing voice, his everpresent and radiant smile, his white trimmed beard, his white and simple skull cap, his accessible dressing style and his amusing facial and hand gestures... that enable him to exude such an auraof friendship and cause his adversaries trust and respect him' (got from website)
and, even he attacked by stroke and paralyse until he cant talk...
he still communicate with his eyelids...
very amazing man...
see you all later...
after we go through about communication...
its basic, application...
now we learned communication for leaders...
participants from BeST Program will be leader in the future...
This module were handled by Prof Syed Omar...
Vice Dean at UniRazak...
what is the effective communication...
it must have this factors...
- speak clearly...
- listen actively...
- successful in conveying the message
for leader communication, we must...
- controlled, purposely transfer of meaning by which leader influence people...
- leader must inspire peoples... especially, subordinates...
'good communication are made, not born'
there are barrier in communication and we must know and then, remove the barrier...
to achieve effective communication...
communication barriers include...
- different in perception and language...
- poor listening...
- emotional interference...
- cultural difference...
- physical distraction...
- etc
and we must remove it by
- short the message...
- proper body language...
- care about time...
- etc..
during this module...
we were assigned to present the leader that inspire and influence peoples surrounding them...
we, Pecah Mental Group choose Ahmad Deedat...
Ahmad Deedat is Muslim debater and always debate with Christian Missionaries...
although he is indian + african and mothertounge is not english...
but, he debate in english so the message can deliver world wide...
he also have a lot of knowledge about Bible... as much as he know about Al-Quran...
the success of his debate because...
' his sharp humour in ditching his rival, his soft spoken and convincing voice, his everpresent and radiant smile, his white trimmed beard, his white and simple skull cap, his accessible dressing style and his amusing facial and hand gestures... that enable him to exude such an auraof friendship and cause his adversaries trust and respect him' (got from website)
and, even he attacked by stroke and paralyse until he cant talk...
he still communicate with his eyelids...
very amazing man...
see you all later...
Report Writing
salam and good morning...
after powerful presentation module...
we continue our study in BeST program for report writing module...
in BeST program...
we can say that this module very important...
because we need to think or invent product...
and we must present it in front of Biotechcorp's peoples...
my group that is Pecah Mental discuss a few idea that are...
artificial petroleum...
use Styrofoams as building blocks...
use nematode for soil treatment...
invent new medium for flower to lengthen its freshness...
create marker-less transgenic plants...
and invent halal active carbon...
and we agreed to do about artificial petroleum...
actually, the artificial petroleum is my idea...
i got this idea when i saw one of documentary programmed...
that show now human can create artificial diamond...
natural diamond that need thousand of years now can be produced for a few of month...
with same quality, same strength, same or better color...
so, why not we produce petroleum...
and we agreed to used organic waste for raw material...
and we need to present our SWOT about our idea...
SWOT is stand for
S... Strength
W... Weakness
O... Opportunity
T... Threats
This all the groups that present and sorry because the quality quite bad...
and, as usual...
my group not in this picture...
see you all again
after powerful presentation module...
we continue our study in BeST program for report writing module...
in BeST program...
we can say that this module very important...
because we need to think or invent product...
and we must present it in front of Biotechcorp's peoples...
my group that is Pecah Mental discuss a few idea that are...
artificial petroleum...
use Styrofoams as building blocks...
use nematode for soil treatment...
invent new medium for flower to lengthen its freshness...
create marker-less transgenic plants...
and invent halal active carbon...
and we agreed to do about artificial petroleum...
actually, the artificial petroleum is my idea...
i got this idea when i saw one of documentary programmed...
that show now human can create artificial diamond...
natural diamond that need thousand of years now can be produced for a few of month...
with same quality, same strength, same or better color...
so, why not we produce petroleum...
and we agreed to used organic waste for raw material...
and we need to present our SWOT about our idea...
SWOT is stand for
S... Strength
W... Weakness
O... Opportunity
T... Threats
This all the groups that present and sorry because the quality quite bad...
and, as usual...
my group not in this picture...
see you all again
Saturday, December 18, 2010
powerfull presentation
salam and good morning to all of you...
my journey in BeST Program continue again...
in new week (week 3)... i gained a lot of things...
a lot of knowledge...
but, it seem my mind very full and i forgot some of my new knowledge...
not forgot it permanently but... brain and mind is very mysterious...
when we feel we forgot something...
actually that knowledge or information already stored in 'safety box' in our mind...
and it will come when we not realize it...
hahaha... that my introduction...
powerful presentation...
thats the module that i need and have to learn...
this two days module taught us how to make very memorable presentations...
firstly... you all must throw the afraid to your audiences...
how to do that...
before you all want to present something...
explore the place or venue that will use in the program...
make yourself comfortable at that place...
and... know all your audiences...
if it quite impossible...
meet one of the audience and friend with him...
when you give talk and feel scare or not comfortable...
look at your new friend...
in this module...
we were taught to against our afraid by talk to one or our group member...
i choose Nadiah because she near with me... we talk about our family...
so, i'll tried to tell her about my family with happy smiley face...
but, she looked like that she want to cry... urm...
after that... we were asked to do impromptu speech to all my group member...
owh... i forgot to tell you all that in this module... we asked to formed new group...
our group's name... 'The Wonder'...
so, all of us make speech about a lot of things...
last activities is we must present some topic in front of class...
hahahaha... that really scare me...
we present about seven wonders in the world...
so, i bet that you all get why my group's name is 'The Wonder'...
my presentation quite bad actually...
my legs and my hand vibrate...
and i forgot name the person who named the old version of seven wonders...
his name is Antipoter of Sidon... huhu
anyway... we all feel happy...
learned and gained something new....
thanks to Che Lah and Mdm Rosilawati....
and my group members...
see you all later
my journey in BeST Program continue again...
in new week (week 3)... i gained a lot of things...
a lot of knowledge...
but, it seem my mind very full and i forgot some of my new knowledge...
not forgot it permanently but... brain and mind is very mysterious...
when we feel we forgot something...
actually that knowledge or information already stored in 'safety box' in our mind...
and it will come when we not realize it...
hahaha... that my introduction...
powerful presentation...
thats the module that i need and have to learn...
this two days module taught us how to make very memorable presentations...
firstly... you all must throw the afraid to your audiences...
how to do that...
before you all want to present something...
explore the place or venue that will use in the program...
make yourself comfortable at that place...
and... know all your audiences...
if it quite impossible...
meet one of the audience and friend with him...
when you give talk and feel scare or not comfortable...
look at your new friend...
in this module...
we were taught to against our afraid by talk to one or our group member...
i choose Nadiah because she near with me... we talk about our family...
so, i'll tried to tell her about my family with happy smiley face...
but, she looked like that she want to cry... urm...
after that... we were asked to do impromptu speech to all my group member...
owh... i forgot to tell you all that in this module... we asked to formed new group...
our group's name... 'The Wonder'...
so, all of us make speech about a lot of things...
last activities is we must present some topic in front of class...
hahahaha... that really scare me...
we present about seven wonders in the world...
so, i bet that you all get why my group's name is 'The Wonder'...
my presentation quite bad actually...
my legs and my hand vibrate...
and i forgot name the person who named the old version of seven wonders...
his name is Antipoter of Sidon... huhu
anyway... we all feel happy...
learned and gained something new....
thanks to Che Lah and Mdm Rosilawati....
and my group members...
see you all later
resume writing...
salam and good morning...
when we talking about resume...
we'll thinking about finding job...
resume is a less than 5 paper documents that have story about 5-7 years of our experiences...
that my definition about resume...
resume is very important because human resources (peoples that responsible to hire you all) just look at resume and they will decide to hire or fire you....
such the cruel world right...
and there are interesting fact...
HR (human resources) just used less than 45 second to read your resume...
hahaha... really... really.... really... cruel world...
so, how to get yourself employ...
firstly make your resume really interesting...
the content...
the x factor...
word selection...
table or not...
and thousand factors that you all must consider...
in BeST program... we learned how to write amazing resume...
some of the tactics...
resume must not too long... enough just 4 pages...
not too wordy... using bullet or point are advisable...
using word that give deep impression to HR...
and... photoshop your picture... hahaha
and we were asked to make resume...
thanks to Sabrina and Audi Amalina because they help me a lot...
ti adjusted and improved my resume...
and thanks to Mdm. Norliza and Mda. Farahiyyah...
because shared thr knowledge with us...
see you all later...
when we talking about resume...
we'll thinking about finding job...
resume is a less than 5 paper documents that have story about 5-7 years of our experiences...
that my definition about resume...
resume is very important because human resources (peoples that responsible to hire you all) just look at resume and they will decide to hire or fire you....
such the cruel world right...
and there are interesting fact...
HR (human resources) just used less than 45 second to read your resume...
hahaha... really... really.... really... cruel world...
so, how to get yourself employ...
firstly make your resume really interesting...
the content...
the x factor...
word selection...
table or not...
and thousand factors that you all must consider...
in BeST program... we learned how to write amazing resume...
some of the tactics...
resume must not too long... enough just 4 pages...
not too wordy... using bullet or point are advisable...
using word that give deep impression to HR...
and... photoshop your picture... hahaha
and we were asked to make resume...
thanks to Sabrina and Audi Amalina because they help me a lot...
ti adjusted and improved my resume...
and thanks to Mdm. Norliza and Mda. Farahiyyah...
because shared thr knowledge with us...
see you all later...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
salam and good morning...
last thursday... (09/12/10)...
we learned about meeting by Assoc. Prof Khir Mohd Ashaari...
quite standard module for entrepreneurs program like this...
so, i did not expect more about this module...
in addition...
i was quite an active student during undergrad life...
i was representative for my residential college...
so, every month, at least we had one meeting...
there is one day, i must attend two meeting at one day...
and if i not mistaken... there are a day that i have two meeting at the same time...
so, meeting is normal for me...
but, surprisingly...
i learn a lot of things in this module...
i cant even blink my eyes and not even sleepy at all...
although his presentation quite boring... because dont have any activity...
what i learn from this module???
now i know that my previous meeting is not an effective one...
and i know the importance of meeting minute...
and now i know that chairman should not talking too much...
and i know that secretary is a tough job...
i also know chairman can reject by member...
i also know each meeting member just have one chance to speak out their opinions...
i also know the importance of notice of meeting...
and a lot of things...
what the purpose of meeting???
the only purpose of meeting is to find decision...
only to find or create decision....
and, the effective and efficient meeting happen when...
we can make decision without wasting to much time...
because time is money...
why there are lot of meeting not effective and efficient...
because their member dont know the purpose of meeting notice...
when you get meeting notice...
you also get the agenda and time gap is about 14 days...
so, you all have a lot of time to make research, analysis about the agenda...
it can shorten the time of meeting...
notice of meeting also importance and the decision on the meeting can be challenge is there are error in meeting notice...
actually... i am hate when get minute of meeting...
for me, it waste the paper...
minute of meeting is very importance...
it can be a evidence if there are case is court of law...
and if someone try to manipulate it...
they will be jail if found guilty....
and there are lot of knowledge that i gain...
my mind now open about meeting and if i'll become a leader in organization...
i'll make sure that my meeting is effective and efficient...
see you later...
last thursday... (09/12/10)...
we learned about meeting by Assoc. Prof Khir Mohd Ashaari...
quite standard module for entrepreneurs program like this...
so, i did not expect more about this module...
in addition...
i was quite an active student during undergrad life...
i was representative for my residential college...
so, every month, at least we had one meeting...
there is one day, i must attend two meeting at one day...
and if i not mistaken... there are a day that i have two meeting at the same time...
so, meeting is normal for me...
but, surprisingly...
i learn a lot of things in this module...
i cant even blink my eyes and not even sleepy at all...
although his presentation quite boring... because dont have any activity...
what i learn from this module???
now i know that my previous meeting is not an effective one...
and i know the importance of meeting minute...
and now i know that chairman should not talking too much...
and i know that secretary is a tough job...
i also know chairman can reject by member...
i also know each meeting member just have one chance to speak out their opinions...
i also know the importance of notice of meeting...
and a lot of things...
what the purpose of meeting???
the only purpose of meeting is to find decision...
only to find or create decision....
and, the effective and efficient meeting happen when...
we can make decision without wasting to much time...
because time is money...
why there are lot of meeting not effective and efficient...
because their member dont know the purpose of meeting notice...
when you get meeting notice...
you also get the agenda and time gap is about 14 days...
so, you all have a lot of time to make research, analysis about the agenda...
it can shorten the time of meeting...
notice of meeting also importance and the decision on the meeting can be challenge is there are error in meeting notice...
actually... i am hate when get minute of meeting...
for me, it waste the paper...
minute of meeting is very importance...
it can be a evidence if there are case is court of law...
and if someone try to manipulate it...
they will be jail if found guilty....
and there are lot of knowledge that i gain...
my mind now open about meeting and if i'll become a leader in organization...
i'll make sure that my meeting is effective and efficient...
see you later...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Art of Public Speaking...
salam and good morning...
yesterday in BeST program...
we all learn about public speaking...
it was handled by Mr Hisham Ab Karim and Mrs. Syadwan Hanani...
a very good module so far...
it thought u how to deliver a good speech...
good speeches can attract audiences and enable us to deliver our messages appropriately...
it is very important if we want important things to say...
according to Mr Hisham...
there are several elements that we must consider before do a public speaking...
there are...
-not too loud or too soft when speaking...
- louder voice in large and crowded place...
- raise and lower the volume to emphasize the point or show emotions..
- not too fast or too slow...
- presenting new or difficult information may be done slowly...
- delivery should be faster than normal conversational speed (to avoid boring situation)...
word choice
that are few of element that one should consider before or when conduct a public speaking...
the tone of voice also important because it can show the mood or expression...
like... "i am tired"
it can be anger mood...
sarcasm mood...
frustration mood...
or anything depend on the intonation that we used...
in this module...
we are assigned to draw what in our mind at the moment we receive the paper...
i draw chicken... hahaha... because at that time...
i was thinking what to eat for the dinner...
after lunch break...
we were assigned to promoted or doing drama/ advertisement or something like that in front of class...
my group (Pecah Mental) got iphone 4 as the object and we agreed to dramatized a advertisement...
the story of my advertisement is about...
a family want to go to village...
and during the journey...
we use various application in iphone 4...
such as video calling...
internet networking...
itunes store...
the comments that we received...
in logical world... our car may crash or we will involve in the accidents because the father (me), not focus on driving but always participate in children conversation at back... hahaha...
but... we learn a lot of things during this module...
and the lecturer give several tips for public speaking that are...
use simple words...
KISS (Keep It Simple and Sexy/Sensational)
Dramatize speech
Be Braze to make mistakes
Listen...Learn....Listen... Learn...
see u later
p.s: the photo show other groups... sorry, the quality quite bad
yesterday in BeST program...
we all learn about public speaking...
it was handled by Mr Hisham Ab Karim and Mrs. Syadwan Hanani...
a very good module so far...
it thought u how to deliver a good speech...
good speeches can attract audiences and enable us to deliver our messages appropriately...
it is very important if we want important things to say...
according to Mr Hisham...
there are several elements that we must consider before do a public speaking...
there are...
-not too loud or too soft when speaking...
- louder voice in large and crowded place...
- raise and lower the volume to emphasize the point or show emotions..
![]() |
Mr Hisham |
- not too fast or too slow...
- presenting new or difficult information may be done slowly...
- delivery should be faster than normal conversational speed (to avoid boring situation)...
word choice
that are few of element that one should consider before or when conduct a public speaking...
the tone of voice also important because it can show the mood or expression...
like... "i am tired"
it can be anger mood...
sarcasm mood...
frustration mood...
or anything depend on the intonation that we used...
in this module...
we are assigned to draw what in our mind at the moment we receive the paper...
i draw chicken... hahaha... because at that time...
i was thinking what to eat for the dinner...
after lunch break...
we were assigned to promoted or doing drama/ advertisement or something like that in front of class...
my group (Pecah Mental) got iphone 4 as the object and we agreed to dramatized a advertisement...
the story of my advertisement is about...
a family want to go to village...
and during the journey...
we use various application in iphone 4...
such as video calling...
internet networking...
itunes store...
the comments that we received...
in logical world... our car may crash or we will involve in the accidents because the father (me), not focus on driving but always participate in children conversation at back... hahaha...
![]() |
iphone 4 |
but... we learn a lot of things during this module...
and the lecturer give several tips for public speaking that are...
use simple words...
KISS (Keep It Simple and Sexy/Sensational)
Dramatize speech
Be Braze to make mistakes
Listen...Learn....Listen... Learn...
see u later
p.s: the photo show other groups... sorry, the quality quite bad
Monday, December 6, 2010
How to Reach An Audience Through Blogging...
we know that blogs are now enjoying a widespread usage currently.
approximately one new blog is created in every half a second...
so, in one minute... there are about 120 new blogs in this world...
what is blog...
blog can be online diary... the owner or the author can input or write down their story, experience, mood at that time, what he/she doing, and etc..
we can say blog can be anything, its depend on the authors...
simply saying, blog is one of the cheapest, newest and easiest medium for everyone no matter what your status are, be it a politician, royal family, jobless person, normal worker, maid or students. this medium can reach and can be read all over the world as long as you have an internet connection.
now, everyone can be an author.
on a negative note, a blog can also can harm people... this is because when the author ignores the etiquette of blogging and use it as an attacking medium to another...
but, everyone can write (in this case, type), but not everyone can be good writer...
how do you defined yourself as good writer???
its depends how popular your blog is...
is it you have a lot of follower???
it is your comment box always have new comments???
and so on...
and how to make our blog is popular and everyone like to follow your blog everyday...
it is depend how you reach an audience through blogging...
in my opinion...
the important thing that you all must concern to reach an audience is writing skill...
we dont have be so formal or so informal because that can limit our audience...
if we can be between of formal and informal writing skill, we can reach a lot of audience can consist of formal peoples, informal peoples and between of formal and informal peoples.
writing skill not meant your story must be great every post...
but, how you all manage to write your story...
mean, your introduction...
your climax...
and your ending of the story must align well and dont make the audience dizzy when read your blog...
thats mean, the plot and story line must at synchronize well...
the usage of good and catchy phrase also important...
writing skill also consist of your font in your blog...
the font must not too small because it can cause eyesore to audience...
the colour of fonts must not too colourful because it also can make your audience eyesore...
you must choose appropriate font, background and etc carefully and ask your friend opinion if you are not sure...
to reach the audience, the originality of the story also important...
usually, the original story always attract audience...
if you all copy paste the story, it will low the reputation as a blogger...
audience will not coming to your blog again and they rather go to blog that you all copy...
how to get original story???
usually, original story obtained from experienced or yourself need to find it...
the professional bloggers usually dont have job...
or we can say that being a blogger is their job...
what is it???
a real or professional bloggers will haunt for stories...
they got their stories from premier sources...
and dont depend on another journalist or writer...
and if you're always have information and publish it faster than anyone...
you can be references to other reader...
actually, there are a lot of things that a bloggers need to reach audience...
but, that requirements can be achieve when you start blogging...
if you'll find that blogging is very fun...
you achieve the most important part to be the bloggers...
and another knowledge will automatically is in your hand...
see you all later and happy blogging...
approximately one new blog is created in every half a second...
so, in one minute... there are about 120 new blogs in this world...
what is blog...
blog can be online diary... the owner or the author can input or write down their story, experience, mood at that time, what he/she doing, and etc..
we can say blog can be anything, its depend on the authors...
simply saying, blog is one of the cheapest, newest and easiest medium for everyone no matter what your status are, be it a politician, royal family, jobless person, normal worker, maid or students. this medium can reach and can be read all over the world as long as you have an internet connection.
now, everyone can be an author.
on a negative note, a blog can also can harm people... this is because when the author ignores the etiquette of blogging and use it as an attacking medium to another...
but, everyone can write (in this case, type), but not everyone can be good writer...
how do you defined yourself as good writer???
its depends how popular your blog is...
is it you have a lot of follower???
it is your comment box always have new comments???
and so on...
and how to make our blog is popular and everyone like to follow your blog everyday...
it is depend how you reach an audience through blogging...
in my opinion...
the important thing that you all must concern to reach an audience is writing skill...
we dont have be so formal or so informal because that can limit our audience...
if we can be between of formal and informal writing skill, we can reach a lot of audience can consist of formal peoples, informal peoples and between of formal and informal peoples.
writing skill not meant your story must be great every post...
but, how you all manage to write your story...
mean, your introduction...
your climax...
and your ending of the story must align well and dont make the audience dizzy when read your blog...
thats mean, the plot and story line must at synchronize well...
the usage of good and catchy phrase also important...
writing skill also consist of your font in your blog...
the font must not too small because it can cause eyesore to audience...
the colour of fonts must not too colourful because it also can make your audience eyesore...
you must choose appropriate font, background and etc carefully and ask your friend opinion if you are not sure...
to reach the audience, the originality of the story also important...
usually, the original story always attract audience...
if you all copy paste the story, it will low the reputation as a blogger...
audience will not coming to your blog again and they rather go to blog that you all copy...
how to get original story???
usually, original story obtained from experienced or yourself need to find it...
the professional bloggers usually dont have job...
or we can say that being a blogger is their job...
what is it???
a real or professional bloggers will haunt for stories...
they got their stories from premier sources...
and dont depend on another journalist or writer...
and if you're always have information and publish it faster than anyone...
you can be references to other reader...
actually, there are a lot of things that a bloggers need to reach audience...
but, that requirements can be achieve when you start blogging...
if you'll find that blogging is very fun...
you achieve the most important part to be the bloggers...
and another knowledge will automatically is in your hand...
see you all later and happy blogging...
Blogging 101
salam and good morning...
today (6-12-10), we continue our module titled 'Blogging 101'...
actually, we already started at friday (3-12-10)...
actually, i kind of shock when the lecturer wanted to teach me how to blog...
because i'm already be a blogger about two years ago...
and in my thought... thus may be boring class...
such an arrogant thought...
but, actually...
i learn quite a few of new things about blog...
how to insert new picture in background...
and now i'm waiting hoe to building a following...
cant wait to add my follower... hahaha
i also can follow all BeST participant's blogs...
this lecture is not bored at all...
we manage to learn something new...
so, may be i can be more great blogger... hua3...
before i leave...
i want to thank to Ms Pasitha, Mr Halim and Mr Jeffrey because great lecture...
and sorry because i sleepy during class...
see you later
today (6-12-10), we continue our module titled 'Blogging 101'...
actually, we already started at friday (3-12-10)...
actually, i kind of shock when the lecturer wanted to teach me how to blog...
because i'm already be a blogger about two years ago...
and in my thought... thus may be boring class...
such an arrogant thought...
but, actually...
i learn quite a few of new things about blog...
how to insert new picture in background...
and now i'm waiting hoe to building a following...
cant wait to add my follower... hahaha
i also can follow all BeST participant's blogs...
this lecture is not bored at all...
we manage to learn something new...
so, may be i can be more great blogger... hua3...
before i leave...
i want to thank to Ms Pasitha, Mr Halim and Mr Jeffrey because great lecture...
and sorry because i sleepy during class...
see you later
Communication skill
salam and good morning...
the journey of my life in BeST continue...
after orientation at Istana Hotel was done...
we continue our study at two place...
i got UniRazak at Capital Square...
quite a good place for students...
first module was ice breaking...
such a shock that i can knew a lot of people by finding people by different categories...
such as the youngest student... student that dont have facebook... student that born at december and etc...
i manage to interact with students more actively...
after that... we are divide into groups...
i got group number 4 that consist Nadiah, Sabrina, Farouq, Dhiya, Yatt, Jannah and Aien...
quite an active and crazy group...
we changed our group name to PECAH MENTAL...
hahaha... that my idea...
and... our group name is different among other group...
because doesnt have biology base-name or intellectual base-name...
the leader of that group...
his name is Nazreen... of course you are familiar with that name right...
but we call him C.E.O... hahaha...
but he also nominated for leader to all students...
thanks to god because he didnt win... hua3...
there are a lot of activities that we do for this two days...
oh... i forget to tell u that communication skill module is a two-days modules...
most of this program modules is more than one day...
one of our activity is how to survive or stranded if we maroon in deserted island...
we also must create our group logo and our trademark or catchy phrase...
and a lot of activities and i need two days to explain all the activities...
but... before i leave...
i want to thank to Mrs Norliza and Mrs Farahiyah for that great moment...
see u later...
the journey of my life in BeST continue...
after orientation at Istana Hotel was done...
we continue our study at two place...
i got UniRazak at Capital Square...
quite a good place for students...
first module was ice breaking...
such a shock that i can knew a lot of people by finding people by different categories...
such as the youngest student... student that dont have facebook... student that born at december and etc...
i manage to interact with students more actively...
after that... we are divide into groups...
i got group number 4 that consist Nadiah, Sabrina, Farouq, Dhiya, Yatt, Jannah and Aien...
quite an active and crazy group...
we changed our group name to PECAH MENTAL...
hahaha... that my idea...
and... our group name is different among other group...
because doesnt have biology base-name or intellectual base-name...
the leader of that group...
his name is Nazreen... of course you are familiar with that name right...
but we call him C.E.O... hahaha...
but he also nominated for leader to all students...
thanks to god because he didnt win... hua3...
there are a lot of activities that we do for this two days...
oh... i forget to tell u that communication skill module is a two-days modules...
most of this program modules is more than one day...
one of our activity is how to survive or stranded if we maroon in deserted island...
we also must create our group logo and our trademark or catchy phrase...
and a lot of activities and i need two days to explain all the activities...
but... before i leave...
i want to thank to Mrs Norliza and Mrs Farahiyah for that great moment...
see u later...
BeST Program
salam and good morning...
its a long time that i not update this blog..
because currently... i'm participate some programme named BeST Programme...
BeST is stand for Biology Entrepeneur Special Training...
this programmed is under Biotechcorp...
Biotechcorp is a GLC (Goverment Link Company) that responsible in biology field in this country (Malaysia)...
BeST is for undergrad at any fields... not for biology students only...
but... my batch compose of 99% biology students (of course various branch) and about 1% chemical engineering students...
our coordinator want bussiness and law students to participate in this programme because we can share the knowledge, opinion and disscuss among us to be biotechnology entrepeneur...
actually... this is my 5th day in BeST ...
we started since monday (29-11-10) and now friday... you count yourself if u dont believe with me...
for me... monday and tuesday was very exciting moment in this week...
because we stayed at five stars hotel... hua3... of course for free....
urm... maybe we used tax money... huhuhu...
but we learned a lot of things...
from the speaker that is Dr Nal... she is among the first batch that learned biology / biotech in Malaysia...
do you know that biology also have their spectrum...
i also dont know about that before...
biology can be divide into few colour that are...
red biology...
white biology...
green biology...
and blue biology...
red biology commonly biology that relate to health...
for examples: medical, pharmaceuticals, etc...
they used red colour to represented blood...
white biology...
maybe you all think about biology relate to Mahsuri Health right...
sorry but that totally wrong...
white biology is about industry in biology...
maybe got that colour for white collar job...
green biology...
what do you think???
yeah, thats right...
it is about agriculture...
blue biology is about all organisms in ocean...
ocean is blue right...
for most of it... i know that there 'Laut Hitam' (Black Ocean)...
this is a little of what i got during orientation...
but, the precious thing that i got is FRIENDS...
ok... i think that is enough...
see u later
its a long time that i not update this blog..
because currently... i'm participate some programme named BeST Programme...
BeST is stand for Biology Entrepeneur Special Training...
this programmed is under Biotechcorp...
Biotechcorp is a GLC (Goverment Link Company) that responsible in biology field in this country (Malaysia)...
BeST is for undergrad at any fields... not for biology students only...
but... my batch compose of 99% biology students (of course various branch) and about 1% chemical engineering students...
our coordinator want bussiness and law students to participate in this programme because we can share the knowledge, opinion and disscuss among us to be biotechnology entrepeneur...
actually... this is my 5th day in BeST ...
we started since monday (29-11-10) and now friday... you count yourself if u dont believe with me...
for me... monday and tuesday was very exciting moment in this week...
because we stayed at five stars hotel... hua3... of course for free....
urm... maybe we used tax money... huhuhu...
but we learned a lot of things...
from the speaker that is Dr Nal... she is among the first batch that learned biology / biotech in Malaysia...
do you know that biology also have their spectrum...
i also dont know about that before...
biology can be divide into few colour that are...
red biology...
white biology...
green biology...
and blue biology...
red biology commonly biology that relate to health...
for examples: medical, pharmaceuticals, etc...
they used red colour to represented blood...
white biology...
maybe you all think about biology relate to Mahsuri Health right...
sorry but that totally wrong...
white biology is about industry in biology...
maybe got that colour for white collar job...
green biology...
what do you think???
yeah, thats right...
it is about agriculture...
blue biology is about all organisms in ocean...
ocean is blue right...
for most of it... i know that there 'Laut Hitam' (Black Ocean)...
this is a little of what i got during orientation...
but, the precious thing that i got is FRIENDS...
ok... i think that is enough...
see u later
About Kebab
salam and good morning...
thank you because you all spend some little time to read at this blog...
this blog i created to share my opinions, experiences and knowledge about biology and its branch...
especially biology field in Malaysia...
why kebab???
if you searh at internet...
kebab is quite a popular food...
its meat and wrap with bread...
but, for this blog...
kebab is for 'Kelab Biosains & Biokejuruteraan'
in english ' Club of Biosciences & Bioenggineering'...
i hope you all will follow this blog...
give comments...
and we can share knowledge...
thank you...
see you later
thank you because you all spend some little time to read at this blog...
this blog i created to share my opinions, experiences and knowledge about biology and its branch...
especially biology field in Malaysia...
why kebab???
if you searh at internet...
kebab is quite a popular food...
its meat and wrap with bread...
but, for this blog...
kebab is for 'Kelab Biosains & Biokejuruteraan'
in english ' Club of Biosciences & Bioenggineering'...
i hope you all will follow this blog...
give comments...
and we can share knowledge...
thank you...
see you later
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