salam and good morning...
after we go through about communication...
its basic, application...
now we learned communication for leaders...
participants from BeST Program will be leader in the future...
This module were handled by Prof Syed Omar...
Vice Dean at UniRazak...
what is the effective communication...
it must have this factors...
- speak clearly...
- listen actively...
- successful in conveying the message
for leader communication, we must...
- controlled, purposely transfer of meaning by which leader influence people...
- leader must inspire peoples... especially, subordinates...
'good communication are made, not born'
there are barrier in communication and we must know and then, remove the barrier...
to achieve effective communication...
communication barriers include...
- different in perception and language...
- poor listening...
- emotional interference...
- cultural difference...
- physical distraction...
- etc
and we must remove it by
- short the message...
- proper body language...
- care about time...
- etc..
during this module...
we were assigned to present the leader that inspire and influence peoples surrounding them...
we, Pecah Mental Group choose Ahmad Deedat...
Ahmad Deedat is Muslim debater and always debate with Christian Missionaries...
although he is indian + african and mothertounge is not english...
but, he debate in english so the message can deliver world wide...
he also have a lot of knowledge about Bible... as much as he know about Al-Quran...
the success of his debate because...
' his sharp humour in ditching his rival, his soft spoken and convincing voice, his everpresent and radiant smile, his white trimmed beard, his white and simple skull cap, his accessible dressing style and his amusing facial and hand gestures... that enable him to exude such an auraof friendship and cause his adversaries trust and respect him' (got from website)
and, even he attacked by stroke and paralyse until he cant talk...
he still communicate with his eyelids...
very amazing man...
see you all later...
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